Choose your Local Office Pride

Each season comes with its own cleaning needs, and with the current focus on health and wellness, a good seasonal clean can do a business good. Studies show when an office is clean, there are corresponding increases in productivity and concentration and reductions in absenteeism and stress. Plus, cleanliness satisfies your employees and visitors. Make... READ MORE

Happy National Women’s Small Business Month! At Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services, we are proud of all the women who chose to own their own business by opening an Office Pride franchise. Office Pride has been listed among Franchise Business Review’s (FBR’s) Top 50 Franchises for Women, a prestigious list based exclusively on franchisee satisfaction... READ MORE

As we move forward and more employees return to workplaces, an even greater emphasis is being placed on sanitary working conditions. Many workers are now accustomed to frequent hand washing, sanitation stations and overall awareness of cleanliness standards. Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services is up to the challenge of ensuring those needs are met. This... READ MORE

Many businesses are calculating the benefits and risks of employees working at the office versus working from home. A major consideration of bringing employees back into the office is making sure your workplace is cleaned and sanitized. Why risk the welfare and health of your team when you can call on the help of expert... READ MORE

When our government and business leaders talk about returning to some semblance of normal, they often are referring to getting back to work and helping the economy heal. For many workplaces, the “new normal” includes stepped-up cleaning and disinfecting services. It’s imperative that your commercial cleaning company provides what you need and expect during this... READ MORE

How to Clean an Urgent Care Facility

May 4, 2020 | AUTHOR: Office Pride

The importance of keeping an urgent care facility sanitized goes without saying. People who are ill bring with them a host of bacteria, germs and viruses, all of which can spread to patients, caregivers and staff. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to properly clean an urgent care  facility.  Determine high-traffic areas Certain areas will need... READ MORE

Why Core Values Matter

April 14, 2020 | AUTHOR: Office Pride

Core values, when properly incorporated into the day-to-day culture and operations of a business, can make a significant difference to employees and clients. Core values are what an organization believes and stands for. These guiding principles are often used as part of the hiring process and in training programs, and during evaluations and reviews. They also guide the daily interactions between staff members, and... READ MORE