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Everyone appreciates clean bathrooms. Unfortunately, most high schoolers nationwide reported their school bathrooms barely make the grade. A clean restroom offers students, faculty, staff and even visitors a place to feel refreshed and take a breather — not to mention the opportunity to keep their hands clean so that they don’t get sick or spread... READ MORE

Budget-Friendly Commercial Cleaning Solutions for Small Churches

September 1, 2024 | AUTHOR: Office Pride

A church is a place of fellowship, faith, solace and celebration. The last thing a congregant wants to hear is a visitor’s reaction to pews that have seen better days, windows that are dingy and restrooms that need intervention. Yet even if a small church doesn’t have the coffers of a huge congregation, there are... READ MORE

The Art of Day Care Disinfection: Surfaces and Play Areas

August 1, 2024 | AUTHOR: Office Pride

Under the right conditions, day care is an enriching experience. That includes proper cleaning to prevent high-touch surfaces from collecting germs and viruses that children can spread among each other or carry home with their toys, lunch boxes and art projects. Any reputable licensed day care should follow a routine for cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting... READ MORE

Dental Office Cleanliness Maximizes Patient Comfort

July 16, 2024 | AUTHOR: Office Pride

From the reception area to the treatment rooms and patient chairs, a dental facility needs to be spotless. Whether you entrust your dental office cleanliness to your regular janitorial services or a commercial cleaning service, you’ll want to ensure that your dental practice looks and feels as fresh and as clean as your patients’ smiles.... READ MORE

The school year brings the excitement of old friends, new experiences … and unfortunately, messy and unsanitary surfaces. Students and staff might not prepare to go back to school until August, but smart administrators know that now is a prime time to develop custom cleaning plans for schools, ensuring everything from the hallways to the... READ MORE

No bride wants to sashay her pristine white dress down a dirty aisle. June is traditionally thought of as a prime wedding month, and a key component of church event planning is making sure the church is sparkling clean as it welcomes the wedding party and their guests. TheKnot.com reports 11% of all weddings in... READ MORE

Runny noses, dirty hands, uncovered sneezes and coughs, food crumbs and skinned knees – such is the life inside a daycare. These instances also underscore the need for routine cleaning. Keeping a list of daycare cleaning tips can help ensure cleanliness is top-of-mind for your facility. While children can find joy in getting dirty, they... READ MORE

How to Make Your Dental Office More Welcoming

May 15, 2024 | AUTHOR: Office Pride

You only have one chance to make a first impression on a customer. And in the world of dental offices, that impression begins the moment they step through your front door. Learning what steps you can take to make your dental office more welcoming can make a difference in a customer’s experience. Keeping this area... READ MORE