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What Office Pride’s Honesty and Integrity Mean for Customers

September 25, 2017 | AUTHOR: Tammy Wright

Office Pride consistently nets high marks for customer satisfaction in the commercial cleaning industry and it’s easy to see why. When it comes to commercial cleaning, Office Pride understands you want someone reliable with an excellent work ethic who can deliver on time every time. This is exactly what Office Pride’s “No Headaches Attached®” brand... READ MORE

Office Pride Sensitive to Unique Cleaning Needs of Banks

August 25, 2017 | AUTHOR: Tammy Wright

Custom Business Cleaning Solutions Factor in Security and Sensitive Data Office Pride has over 25 years of experience in the commercial cleaning industry and our success has largely been due to the fact that we go above and beyond in tailoring our solutions to your specific business cleaning needs. We recognize that banks and financial... READ MORE

Tackle Summer Germs with a Proven Janitorial Service Brand

August 23, 2017 | AUTHOR: Tammy Wright

When you think of summer, you think of days at the beach and lake. You may think of travel and family vacations. But, you probably don’t equate summer with germs. One thing’s for sure: Germs don’t take a break for summer. In fact, this time of the year is the perfect breeding ground for germs.... READ MORE

First impressions count. So do second and third and the many more that happen each and every day at medical offices throughout the U.S. Medical offices must shine and, more importantly, must be cleaned to strict standards and rules. This standard of excellence is what brings clients to Office Pride Commercial Cleaning. From the waiting... READ MORE

Prep Your Commercial Property for Hot Weather

June 21, 2017 | AUTHOR: Tammy Wright

Summertime and the livin’ is easy, but the cleanin’ sure isn’t. While there’s plenty of summer fun to be had, the dog days ahead can lead to lax attitudes at work. Conflicting schedules and weeklong summer vacations might mean that business cleaning tends to slip down the list of priorities for a commercial facility. And... READ MORE

CleanLink is a premier information resource for sanitary supply distributors, building service contractors and in-house cleaning professionals. As leaders in the commercial cleaning industry, the media often calls us upon us to provide our expert opinion on the industry issues of the day. We’re often asked to give advice about commercial cleaning and building maintenance,... READ MORE

Grading the Health of Your Medical Office Cleaning

March 20, 2017 | AUTHOR: Tammy Wright

For many of us, Spring is a time to do a deep clean of areas in our home and office space. But did you know that each day a deep cleaning is an absolute necessity for medical offices? And while the Flu Season is coming to an end, that doesn’t stop the need for vigilance... READ MORE

It’s Time for Spring Cleaning in Your Commercial Facility

March 15, 2017 | AUTHOR: Tammy Wright

The days are getting longer, the snow is melting, and it’s that time again – spring cleaning time. Office Pride understands the special challenges presented by the return of warm weather, especially regarding floor care. All winter long, people have been tracking in salt, dirt and gravel that can significantly shorten the life of the... READ MORE